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Submissions Testing & Feedback

Thank you so much for helping us test!
Published onJun 17, 2022
Submissions Testing & Feedback

Getting Started

Copy this text into a new Pub on your community, then follow the instructions. Below. When you’re done, send a link to the new pub to [email protected] with the subject Submission Feedback.

Feel free to send this document to other members of your community who might be interested in testing submissions.


Thank you for taking a look at the new submissions feature! We’re super excited to show you what we’ve been up to, and hear your feedback.

Following the steps in this pub should take you no more than 30 minutes. It will take you through the Submission feature in its entirety, as well as give you an opportunity to send us your ideas and feedback and, if you find any bugs, report them. We welcome any and all feedback — certainly bug reports, but also general impressions, anything you find confusing, or ideas for how we could improve.

The instructions are deliberately written to be non-prescriptive. That is, they’ll tell you about new features and prompt you to use them, but won’t provide exact instructions for how to accomplish tasks. Our hope is that the feature is intuitive enough that any user can follow the instructions, but our expectation is that it won’t be. Thus, if you can’t figure out how to do something, blame us! Please provide feedback if anything is difficult to use or unclear.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

How to give feedback and report bugs

When sending feedback, please try to provide three elements:

  1. A brief summary of your idea/comment.

  2. The story of why you’re making the request – ie, “As an editor, I want to leave comments in the text, so my writers can understand why I’m making changes.”

  3. Any background context about why you’re making the request.

When sending bugs, please try to provide these three elements:

  1. A plain-language summary of the bug.

  2. Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the bug.

  3. Any screenshots that show the bug in action.

About You

Please fill out the information below so we can get in touch if needed.

  • Your name:

  • Your community:

  • Your email address:

  • Browser and operating system (with versions):

Setting Up Submissions

1. Accept Submissions via a Collection

Submissions are linked to Collections — this way you can have a single submission Collection for the entire community, multiple for different Collections, or anything in between.


  • Visit your Community.

  • Visit the Collection you’d like to turn on Submissions for.

  • Visit Submissions and enable them for the Collection.

  • Fill out instructions for your submission.

  • Test requiring abstracts and descriptions.

  • Fill out the email correspondence section.

  • Add rich content (an image, math, etc.) to the layout banner.

  • Finish creating the workflow.

Please provide feedback below if any of the steps are unclear, confusing, or don’t work.

Feedback and Bugs (#1)

2. Create a submission.

Once you’ve setup a submission workflow for a collection, users will be able to submit Pubs to it until you turn off the workflow. Note that users who do not have admin access to the Community or Collection will not be able to approve, decline, or publish their own submissions. If you have a test account, you may want to use it for this step.


  • Visit the Collection you enabled Submissions for in part 1

  • Create a submission via the banner

  • Make sure the instructions match the ones you made in part 1.

  • Make sure you can’t submit an empty Pub, a Pub without a title, or a Pub without an abstract or description (if you made them required).

  • Enter in a title, abstract (with math or formatted text), and description.

  • Upload an attached file.

  • Enter text in the pub body, or import content from a file.

  • Add a contributor to the Pub who has an existing user account

  • Add a “guest” contributor to the Pub who does not have an account, and add an affiliation and fake ORCID ID.

  • Preview and submit the Pub.

Please provide feedback below if any of the steps are unclear, confusing, or don’t work.

Feedback and Bugs (#2)

3. Review the submission.

Submissions automatically generate emails to the address you specify to notify community admins about new submissions. The author is copied on the email to facilitate correspondence. Once you review submissions, you can accept or decline them, which will send a followup email that you can customize.


  • Make sure the community email address you specified in part 1 receives an email notifying you of the submission.

  • Make sure the email address associated with the PubPub account you used to make the submission is CC’d on that email.

  • Visit the submission page for the Collection.

  • Click into the Pub.

  • Make some edits or leave a comment to it.

  • Visit the submission page on the Collection again.

  • Accept or reject the submission with a custom message. Make sure the “notify submitters via email” option is checked.

  • Make sure you receive an email at the address associated with the PubPub account you used to make the submission, with the community email address you specified in part 1 CC’d.

  • Browse to either the accepted or declined tab, depending on what you decided to do with the submission.

  • Decline or accept the submission.

  • Make sure you do not receive an email at the address associated with the PubPub account you used to make the submission.

Feedback and Bugs (#3)

4. Release & Delete

We’ve made it simple to release and delete submissions from the submissions page, so that it’s easier to manage large numbers of Pubs. If you don’t want to release these tests on your live community, we totally understand — though the script will ask you to delete them before they’d likely be noticed by anyone.

  • Find your submission in the submissions tab. If you declined the submission, you will need to accept it before releasing it.

  • Release the pub.

  • View the release, and make sure it appears as expected.

  • Visit the release in a private or incognito window and make sure it appears as expected when not logged in to PubPub.

  • Copy the URL to the Pub before moving on to the next step.

  • Return to the submissions tab.

  • Delete the Pub.

  • Try to visit the Pub via the URL you copied and make sure it is no longer accessible, whether you are logged into PubPub or logged out.

Please provide feedback below if any of the steps are unclear, confusing, or don’t work.

Feedback and Bugs (#4)

Any Other Feedback?

Please use this space to provide feedback on anything not covered by the testing, or general feedback.

Send Your Feedback

Send a link to this testing pub to [email protected] with the subject Submission Feedback.

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