Copy this text into a new Pub on your community, then follow the instructions below.
Feel free to send this document to other members of your community who might be interested in testing reviews.
Thank you for testing this new feature. Following the steps in this Pub should take you no more than a few minutes. It will take you through the Review feature, as well as give you an opportunity to send us your ideas and feedback and, if you find any bugs, report them when you’re done. You can send a link to your issue to [email protected] with the subject Review Feedback. Or submit feedback on reviews using this link.
The instructions are deliberately written to be non-prescriptive. That is, they’ll tell you about new features and prompt you to use them, but won’t provide exact instructions for how to accomplish tasks. Our hope is that the feature is intuitive enough that any user can follow the instructions, but our expectation is that it won’t be. Thus, if you can’t figure out how to do something, blame us! Please provide feedback if anything is difficult to use or unclear.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
When sending feedback, please try to provide three elements:
A brief summary of your idea/comment.
The story of why you’re making the request – ie, “As an editor, I want to leave comments in the text, so my writers can understand why I’m making changes.”
Any background context about why you’re making the request.
When sending bugs, please try to provide these three elements:
A plain-language summary of the bug.
Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the bug.
Any screenshots that show the bug in action.
Please fill out the information below so we can get in touch if needed.
Your name:
Your community:
Your email address:
Browser and operating system (with versions):
Each Pub now has a review link attached to it
Visit your Community.
Go to a Pub you’d like to review or create one yourself.
If the Pub is a release version, you can review it by pressing the button ‘go to reviews’
If a pub is a draft view, go to sharing, and copy the review link. Paste it in your browser and the review page should come up
this is where a link can be found and shared if you want to get early feedback on a Pub. note reviewers will see whatever Pub content exists at that point in history
also, note you can share this link with non-community members and they will be able to submit a review
Please provide feedback below if any of the steps are unclear, confusing, or don’t work.
Feedback and Bugs (#1)
Once you’ve found your way to the review page type your review into the editor provided.
Testing for community members
Enter text
Enter text with various formatting options
refresh the page to be sure your work is cached
Submit the review.
Enter a title for your review
double-check review before submitting
on submission, you should be navigated to the review
Testing for non-members(you need to have the review link before sending)
Enter text
Enter text with various formatting options
refresh the page to be sure your work is cached
Submit the review.
Enter a title for your review
double-check review before submitting
on submission, you should be navigated to the login page
Please provide feedback below if any of the steps are unclear, confusing, or don’t work.
Feedback and Bugs (#2)
When reviews are submitted members can view a list of them in the reviews dashboard. Navigate there by visiting your community and viewing the review dashboard. There you should find a list of reviews for each Pub in the community. Find yours and click it.
Make sure you’re review is formatted exactly as you intended
Make sure your name is listed correctly
make sure community members can still respond to reviews
Feedback and Bugs (#3)
The existing review flow gave community managers the ability to close reviews. For now we retain that behavior
Find a review following the steps listed in 3
Close the review
If you have the correct permissions you’ll need to go back to the list of reviews to see if it’s closed
Please provide feedback below if any of the steps are unclear, confusing, or don’t work.
Feedback and Bugs (#4)
Please use this space to provide feedback on anything not covered by the testing, or general feedback.
Send a link to this testing pub to [email protected] with the subject Submission Feedback.