Association of University Presses 2019 Annual Meeting
Detroit, Michigan | June 13 9:00 am - 10:15 am, Brule (Level 5)
In this panel, we will gather experts on open access and scholarly publishing to discuss the cultural and political barriers to entry for publishing open access works. While we will address the leading constraints for context, the panel will focus primarily on possible solutions, policies, and innovations we can implement broadly as an industry. We hope to encourage audience participation by collecting questions for the panel before and during the session on PubPub. Our aim is to differentiate OA values and value from the ideology, mandates, and politics around this topic and, in doing so, identify key steps we can take in a coordinated manner to promote and support the open communication of scholarship toward the development of knowledge.
Heather Staines, Head of Partnerships, MIT Knowledge Futures Group, Chair
Amy Brand, Director, MIT Press
Sarah Kember, Director, Goldsmiths Press
Ivy Anderson, Associate Executive Director and Director, Collection Development and Management Program, California Digital Library
We will be collecting questions and comments on this topic ahead of, during, and following the panel. If you have something to add to the conversation, please add it to the list of questions below: