Hello! It’s time for another installment of the PubPub newsletter. The big news: search, our most asked-for feature, is now live! And as always, our communities have been delightfully busy. See what they’re up to below.
— The PubPub Team
Full-Text Search! You can now search the full text of Pubs and Pages!
If you search within a community, that search will be scoped to the community by default. To search across all of PubPub, click the link in the top right.
We plan to expand search to add people and discussions, as well as faceted searches for tags and other metadata.
Feedback. Please continue to give us feedback on bugs, features you find helpful, ideas for improvement, and things you would like to see on PubPub by writing to [email protected]!
Do you want to work on PubPub, or know someone who might? We’re hiring for multiple roles, including marketing, design, and software development.
See our listings on the new KFG website
Want your community news featured here? Sent a note to [email protected]!
We’re excited to say that over 60 new communities joined PubPub last month. Welcome! Don’t forget to follow PubPub and the Knowledge Futures Group on Twitter at @PubPub and @KnowledgeFuture.
The latest article, “Other Genetic Alphabets,” in issue 4 of the Journal of Design and Science is now available. In it Historian of Science Luis Campos and chemist Steven Benner consider the social and scientific contingencies of the biology we have, and how life potentially existing on other planets or moons might be “other” already.
Duke University Libraries published a report titled “A Framework for Library Support of Expansive Digital Publishing.” Contribute to their work by reading and commenting on their work and recommendations.
The MIT Libraries and MIT Press announced the launch of a new print and open access book series called <strong>Ideas. Each title will be available on PubPub. A draft of Data Feminism, to be published in 2020, is now available on the platform for open review. The first two titles, forthcoming in April 2019, will be Hacking Life and The Smart Enough City.
Be sure to follow PubPub and the Knowledge Futures Group on Twitter at @PubPub and @KnowledgeFuture