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Updates, news, & increasing access to federally-funded research

Your March 2020 PubPub newsletter
Published onMar 10, 2020
Updates, news, & increasing access to federally-funded research

PubPub newsletter subscribers received this newsletter on March 9, 2020. You can view it here on Mailchimp. Consider subscribing to our monthly newsletters for updates about the platform, things we’re thinking about, and news from our communities.

Hello PubPub-ers, 

This month we have a handful of frequently-asked-for feature updates, community news, and readings. We're very excited to see relatively new journals continue to publish content and to see new journals kicking off on PubPub. Read to the end for a note on the Office of Science and Technology Policy's request for comments on increasing access to federally funded research, particularly in light of COVID-19.

As always, thanks for being here, 
Your PubPub Team

A new look

Maybe you've noticed, but if you haven't: PubPub has a new website! Learn about how we work with and support publishing communities large and small—like yours! 

One of our most requested features has been the ability to link out to other sites in the navbar. We’ve added the ability to do that, as well as updating the navbar settings interface to be easier to use. See how the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society is linking to external AAS Publishing sites.

Customizable Footers

Communities can now customize the appearance of their PubPub footer by adding internal and external links and a custom logo. You can customize your footer in Manage -> Settings. As part of these updates, we’ve also reduced the amount of space given to PubPub branding, to reduce confusion and make it clear to users that PubPub is hosting, but not publishing, content. Here's one example of a customized footer from the BAAS.  

We're hiring!

Want to help build a better future for academic publishing? We're looking for a software engineer to work with us in supporting the needs of our growing community of 900+ journals, books, blogs, and more. Here are more details and instructions. Apply and/or share!

Partnership with the American Astronomical Society

We're excited to announce that the AAS recently relaunched its Bulletin on PubPub. An open access journal of community white papers, news and commentary, meeting abstracts, and obituaries, the new BAAS will foster experimentation and community building.

Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law and Policy 3.1

The Stanford JBLP launched the first issue of its third volume earlier this year. The issue contains both articles and essays, including the first part of a two-part piece on the need for multi-stakeholder communication to establish a governance mechanism for the emerging blockchain-based financial ecosystem.

Reviews in Digital Humanities 1.3

Reviews in Digital Humanities recently launched its third issue. Reviews include one on Immersive Scholar and another on The (De)collected War of the Worlds, a scholarly digital edition of H.G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds.

Design Justice

Design Justice, a book by Sasha Costanza-Chock, Associate Professor of Civic Media at MIT, is now out by the MIT Press. An additional chapter will be made openly available on PubPub each month. Follow along or buy the book now. 

Contours Collaborations seeking submissions

Contours Collaborations: Border Crossings in Art and Humanities, a new journal now on PubPub, recently published its first call for papers. The journal is accepting submissions to its Exhibition Space from artists engaged in representing borders and border crossings, as well as to its Reflection Spaces for artists, scholars, activists and policy makers to address crucial concerns. Submit and/or share!

Coming Soon: Data Feminism

In January 2019, the authors of Data Feminism, Catherine D'Ignazio and Lauren Klein, published a draft of their monograph for community review. We're very excited that later this month, the final book will be published by the MIT Press and will be made available OA on PubPub. Stay tuned!

Do you have community news? Please share it with us at [email protected]  for inclusion in our next newsletter!

"You May Not Even Know You're Spreading Lies" by Whitney Philips in WIRED. Excerpts from Philips's book with Ryan M. Milner, You Are Here: A Field Guide for Navigating Polluted Information, are available on PubPub. 

"The Research Data Alliance: Benefits and Challenges of Building a Community Organization" by Francine Berman and Merce Cross in the Harvard Data Science Review 2.1.

"Popular preprint servers face closure because of money troubles" by Smriti Mallapaty in Nature.

"Open Peer Review in the Humanities"
by Seth Denbo in The Scholarly Kitchen.

—Two Perspectives on Wikipedia—

"Wikipedia is the Last Best Place on the Internet"
by Richard Cooke in Wired.
"Mapping Wikipedia: Where the Encyclopedia’s Editors Are, Where They Aren’t, and Why"
by Michael Mandiberg in The Atlantic.

Request for Information

The federal government's Science and Technology Policy Office posted a request for information titled, "Public Access to Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Publications, Data and Code Resulting From Federally Funded Research." The Knowledge FuturesGroup will be submitting and publishing a statement in response in support of open access publication. The deadline for comments is March 16, 2020.

thanks for reading!

cover photo by Thomas Renaud on Unsplash

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