Sarah joined the Knowledge Futures Group (KFG) at first as a PubPub fellow in June 2019 where she worked as a production intern. As of May 2021, she’s now a full-time acquisitions editor for PubPub and Commonplace. She will help create collaborative communities and curate content, respectively, both with the goal of expanding public digital infrastructures and open scholarship. Sarah’s excited to use her editorial skills, experiment with new publishing practices, and learn more about how to share resources across different communities in regenerative ways. In addition to KFG work, Sarah is a podcast host for the New Books Network, and does some freelance science writing/editing. That said, she isn’t just at her computer all the time and, in fact, can be also found outside hiking, on a couch with tea reading, or in the kitchen baking.
Before landing at the KFG, Sarah was a biochemist, first getting her B.S. from Rochester Institute of Technology and her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. While at UMich, she was the editor-in-chief of, Michigan Science Writers, an organization trained graduate students and post doctoral fellows on how to communicate science effectively, and EquilibriUM, a magazine that combined art and science to tell engaging long-form stories. Now fully graduated, she’s thankful to be on the publishing side of scholarly communications.
Contact: [email protected] // @annotated_sci