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PubPub Examples

Published onAug 22, 2019
PubPub Examples

About PubPub

PubPub is a non-profit home for publishing groups of all kinds. Our communities range from journals to conferences, from lab groups to entire publishing houses. While we aim to accommodate a variety of content genres, forms, and sources, our roadmap and feature set is designed directly from user feedback to support specific use cases. Everything on PubPub is published open access and our code is open source.

The four main organization structures on PubPub are Communities, Pages, Pubs, and Collections. The community is your site. Pubs are the core unit of PubPub: your articles, blog posts, or book chapters. Pages are for creating layouts for journals, books, or sections. Collections are for organizing lists of Pubs within Pages and for relating a group of Pubs to each other as a meaningful unit (issue, book, etc.) in metadata.



Frankenbook is a collective reading and collaborative annotation experience of the original 1818 text of Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. The project launched in January 2018, as part of Arizona State University’s celebration of the novel’s 200th anniversary. Even two centuries later, Shelley’s modern myth continues to shape the way people imagine science, technology, and their moral consequences. Frankenbook gives readers the opportunity to trace the scientific, technological, political, and ethical dimensions of the novel, and to learn more about its historical context and enduring legacy. See in particular the media page:

Harvard Data Science Review

Recently launched, the Harvard Data Science Review is a new open-access, peer-reviewed journal published jointly by the Harvard Data Science Initiative and the MIT Press. It is the first journal on the new version of PubPub, taking advantage of updated design and layout options, review processes, and more. See A Data in the Life article with interactive data visualizations around Beatles songs: (in particular section 4.2 about disputed authorship).


Cursor is a cross-disciplinary journal that heavily incorporates discussion and annotation into their production and publishing process. They routinely embed discussion prompts directly into their articles, inviting discussion that authors then incorporate into future articles or even directly into the text of the article. (Example)

Journal of Design and Science

The Journal of Design and Science, published jointly by the MIT Press and the MIT Media Lab, is an experiment that combines traditional scholarly publishing with innovative, forward-looking models. For example, Joi Ito’s manifesto Resisting Reduction, published in issue 3, was so widely discussed that the journal decided to solicit response essays from its readers. Over 100 essays were submitted using PubPub’s submission tools, and ten winners were published in a special Issue 3.5. The MIT Press will be publishing a peer-reviewed print book featuring the winning essays and the original in 2019.

Community Review

The MIT Press is using PubPub to conduct open community review of works prior to publication. The first experiment, Data Feminism, was a resounding success. A draft of the book was published on PubPub in November 2018 with an open review period lasting until January 2019. Using a combination of direct reach-out, social media, and speaking appearances, the authors were able to solicit over 1,000 annotations and comments on the draft from the data community. They are currently incorporating that feedback into a final draft, which will be published both online and in print by the end of 2019. “In a world in which data is power, and that power is wielded unequally, data feminism can help us understand how it can be challenged and changed.”


  • MIT OA Task Force

    In July 2017, Provost Martin Schmidt, in consultation with the vice president for research, the chair of the faculty, and the director of the libraries, appointed an ad hoc task force on open access to MIT’s research. The OA task force is coordinating an Institute-wide discussion of ways in which current policies and practices might be updated or revised to further MIT’s mission of disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible.
    In Sept 2018, the OA task force released a white paper examining efforts at MIT, in the United States, and in Europe to make research and scholarship openly and freely available. The paper provides a backdrop to the ongoing work of the task force: identifying new, updated, or revised open access policies and practices.

Met x Microsoft x MIT

A 2-day hackathon run jointly by the Metropolitan Museum in New York, Microsoft AI, and MIT used PubPub as an open authoring platform for hackathon participants to sketch out, work on, and then present their projects. They are continuing to use PubPub privately to collaborate on deepening and even productizing ideas that came out of the hackathon.

Thomas Delange:

Already noted. Thanks.