PubPub subscribers received this newsletter on December 9, 2019. You can view it here on Mailchimp. Consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletters for updates about the platform, things we’re thinking about, and news from our communities.
Hi there,
Welcome to the final email newsletter of 2019! We're very excited for the plans, updates, and new features in the works for 2020 and look forward to sharing them with you, and with greater regularity, right here in this newsletter.
Thank you for being a part of the PubPub network, now over 700 diverse publishing communities strong! Happy holidays,
Your PubPub Team
New and improved PDF exports!
To see the new PDFs, visit any Pub and click the download button. The first time you generate a PDF for a Pub, the process may take up to a minute. After that, downloads will be instant. Instead of translating from the HTML version of the article to another format, our new system uses the HTML version to produce a beautiful PDF. This means that the PDF output is predictable and supports images, tables, code, and math just like the HTML – and in the case of interactive content, we replace it with a call to visit the original article.
Behind the scenes we’re using the excellent Paged.js library, built by Paged Media. Thank you to their hard work on an excellent library that makes this all possible.
Society for the Anthropology of Work
Congratulations to the Society for the Anthropology of Work on the re-launch of their website and launch of a new short-form web publication, Exertions, which, “seeks to combine the accessibility of blog-style content with the option of open peer review.”
punctum books
Welcome to OA publisher, punctum books, who is now using PubPub to publish about their publications and work on open access and infrastructure in scholarly communication. You can read more about their work and some of the thinking behind their adoption of PubPub and other tools in their post "Transitioning punctum books to Open Source Infrastructure."
Open a GLAM Lab
We partnered with the International GLAM Labs Community to help publish their book, developed in partnership with BookSprints, Open a GLAM Lab. Such labs, "use experimental methods to make cultural heritage collections available in innovative, engaging and unexpected ways."
Harvard Data Science Review 1.2
The Harvard Data Science Review, a publication of the Harvard Data Science Initiative and the MIT Press, recently completed rolling out its second issue on PubPub. Issue 2.1 is expected in early 2020.
#SpreadingFacts: Communicating Science for a Better World was held on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. You can watch recordings of each session on the event's PubPub community, including a panel on New Technologies for Public Understanding, moderated by PubPub's head of product and operations, Gabe Stein.
Do you have community news? Please share it with us at [email protected] for inclusion in our next newsletter!
Instagram, Facebook, and the Perils of “Sharenting”, by Hua Hsu in The New Yorker. Sharenthood by Leah Plunkett is published on PubPub by the MIT Press.
Proposed schema changes - have your say, by Patricia Feeney on the CrossRef Blog.
Why We Are Giving Away $100m to Creators with Mozilla and Creative Commons, by the Coil team on their blog.