The open-source, privacy-respecting, turnkey, all-in-one platform for publishing your paper, thesis, journal, monograph, textbook, conference, lab notes, science blog, syllabus, and much more.
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Convert and import documents from your preferred formats.
Including Microsoft Word, multi-file LaTex, Markdown, and more.
Collaborate and edit with co-authors in real time.
No need to email documents back and forth.
Add multimedia anywhere.
PubPub supports photos, videos, tables, LaTeX math, code, embedded interactives, and more.
Easily manage your collection metadata.
Including article and collection-level DOI creation right from within PubPub.
Create your custom site without writing a line of code.
Bring your logos and colors and let PubPub do the rest.
Measure impact and collect feedback with built-in analytics and annotations.
As part of the Knowledge Futures Group, we’re committed to making PubPub not just open, but easily accessible to a wide range of groups. That means we’ve committed to providing a free version of PubPub forever, releasing open-source code, and operating under non-profit, sustainable, researcher-friendly business models.